Digital Fashion-

Collaborative Online
International Learning in
Digital Fashion

To open the pathways for organizing Collaborative Online International
Learning within partner institutions, other higher educational institutions and
industrial enterprises of common expertise.

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Project Results -
Digital Fashion

Get to know the outcomes of the Digital Fashion Project

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New Methodology
New methodology for a common framework on Collaborative Online International Learning in the field on Digital Fashion. it will consist in guidance lines and required digital skills for the fashion industry for each partner country and the status of the industrial application of virtual fashion technology for each partner country.
Training Platform
Training platform of fashion design by personalized 3D virtual garment fitting.
Library of Knowledge
Library of knowledge (the three databases) for virtual fashion design and technology, containing a collection of materials, colours and garment styles, fashion design elements and comfort.
New Curricula
Curricula for Collaborative Online International Learning in the field on Digital Fashion, consisting of a training programme of fashion design based on the developed training platform, including learning outcomes, teaching and assessment technologies, general theories, basic concepts, design examples and online design exercises.


Digital Fashion-

Project Objectives

  • introduce new teaching and learning methodology of digital fashion co- design in a virtual environment.
  • Digitizing of the fashion and textile programs in partner countries targeting the textile and clothing industry.
  • Promoting internationalization of the digital skills in fashion and textile technology.

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Copyright ©2021

Digital Fashion Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project NÂș 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000031150