Project Partners



INCDTP stands out as a dynamic and flexible player on national and European level, addressing multidisciplinary researches in niche areas. It is the single national institute in Romania with research-development-innovation expertise and facilities in the field of textiles-clothing, leather-footwear and rubber-plastics processing, having over 70 year’s tradition. Being capable of covering cutting edge research, INCDTP supports technology transfer and stimulates partnerships with research, education and industry entities, on national and European level. INCDTP has focused on product & process innovations for development of high performance technical textiles, for the following application fields: personal protective equipment’s, sport and leisure clothes, medical area, aeronautics, civil and industrial constructions, agriculture, automotive, clean industrial processes, etc. It also carries out consulting, technical assistance and investigation services for SMEs, publishing and standardization activities, as well as education and training services through e-learning courses for the textile-clothing field.

Dr. eng. Ion Razvan Radulescu
Dr. eng. Catalin Grosu



ENSAIT is a French engineer school which trains about 70% of textile engineers in France. As one of the leading textile higher education and research institutions in Europe, it awards every year 120 students an Engineer Degree at Master level and about 15 postgraduates a PhD of Engineering. At research level, ENSAIT is currently working on more than 20 research collaborative projects funded by European Commission (H2020, Erasmus Mundus, Interreg), French national government (FUI and ANR), regional government (AAP), and industrial companies. The main research themes are: smart textile and e-textile, fashion digitalization and fashion data mining, Life Cycle Analysis, supply chain optimization, multifunctional textile material design, and textile composites.

Prof. dr. Xianyi Zeng



HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, consists of 7 Schools, the Royal Academy of Fine Arts & Royal Conservatory and GO5 (associate degrees – EQF 5) and counts more than 14,000 students and 1,800 members of staff, including over 200 researchers in national and international research projects. 20 departments are responsible for over 40 study programmes based on eight campuses in Ghent, Aalst and Melle. FTILab+ (Fashion & Textiles Innovation Lab+) is one of HOGENT’s 11 research centres. It’s main research areas are biobased materials and circular economy, advanced manufacturing strategies and digitization, and Comfort and protection. .

Prof. Alexandra DeRaeve Assoc. prof. Sheila Odhiambo



The University of Maribor with its 17 Faculties, the University Library Maribor and the Student Dormitories is the second largest and second oldest university in Slovenia with a long tradition. During years, it became a successful scientific institution, the primary mission and guiding principle of which is the dissemination and enrichment of knowledge. It is rapidly developing new areas of activity, testing new study methods and seeking new ways of integrating with its environment.

Assoc. prof. Andreja Rudolf:
Prof. Zoran Stjepanovic:



CITEVE is a Technological Centre, non-for profit organization, settled in Portugal (Vila Nova de Famalicão), strongly connected to the world through international offices in Brazil, Tunisia, Pakistan, Chile and Mexico. CITEVE means textile knowledge and expertise along the textile & clothing value chain. From materials technology, across product and business management, to fashion and technical applications for high-tech markets. CITEVE service portfolio comprise Product and Material Testing, Product Designs, Engineering & Certification, Specialized Consulting and Training, Technology Development, Business and Innovation Management.

Dra. Alexandra Cardoso
Dra. Celia Khan Rodrigues



The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi has the oldest tradition in Romania. It is located in North-Eastern part of Romania. The 11 faculties of TUIasi offers study opportunities in the following fields: architecture, computer engineering, civil engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering, textile-clothing, leather design and engineering. Since 1952, The Faculty of Industrial Design and Business Management offers study programs in the field of Engineering and Design of Textile products, Knitting and Clothing Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Engineering and Management.

Assoc. prof. Irina Ionescu
Prof. Manuela Avadanei


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Digital Fashion Project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Project Nº 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000031150